
How to uninstall microsoft solitaire collection
How to uninstall microsoft solitaire collection

how to uninstall microsoft solitaire collection

According to reports, Microsoft Solitaire keeps crashing after the splash screen.

how to uninstall microsoft solitaire collection

When you have nothing to do, it’s a good pastime. The game is updated from Windows Store and communicates with a Microsoft server to track achievements and offer daily challenges. It aims to replace Solitaire FreeCell and Spider Solitaire included with the previous versions of Windows. Microsoft Solitaire Collection comes with Windows 10. Solution 4: Reset Microsoft Solitaire Collection.To solve the problem, MiniTool Partition Wizard provides some solutions to Microsoft Solitaire Collection not working issue. Some users complain that their Microsoft Solitaire Collection doesn’t work.

how to uninstall microsoft solitaire collection

Microsoft Solitaire Collection is a cards video game included with Windows 10.

How to uninstall microsoft solitaire collection